OpenVPN Connect Untuk Android

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Selamat pagi semua. Saya kali ini berbagi app untuk Android nih. Pengguna gretonger pasti tau sama app ini. VPN biasa saya gunakan untuk aktivitas gratisan untuk internet, yang minat langsung saja order ke saya. Support Andro dan PC.
PIN BBM saya : 53ECA98A
Facebook saya : Anamcoollzz
Ya bisa langsung diorder. Nanti saya kasiih tutornya. App ini harus terinstal di HH kalian tentunya.
Comot dah.
===> Mirror
===> PlayStore

OpenVPN Connect is the official full-featured Android VPN client for the OpenVPN Access Server, Private Tunnel VPN and OpenVPN Community, developed by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc.
* Supports Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and higher. Does NOT require a rooted device.
* Easily import .ovpn profiles from SD card, OpenVPN Access Server, Private Tunnel or via a browser link.
* Improved power management - preferences setting allows VPN to pause in a low-power state whenever screen is blanked or network is unavailable.
* Android Keychain integration - OpenVPN profiles may reference a cert/key pair in the Android keychain.
* Supports hardware-backed keystores (such as on the Nexus 7)
* Support for multi-factor authentication using OpenVPN static and dynamic challenge/response protocols.
* Full IPv6 support (at both the tunnel and transport layer)
* Uses PolarSSL (not affected by Heartbleed issue)

What's New
Release notes for 1.1.16 build 74 (since 1.1.15):
* Fixed context menu and notification issues on Lollipop
* Optimized build for new ARM64 devices
* Updated high-res icons
* Exclude routes emulation feature for net_gateway
* added Minimum TLS version
* Known issue: Android 5.0.1 ConnectivityManager bugs may affect pause/resume/failover
Full changelog available at:

Nah langsung diinstal ya. Minat langsung PM via BBM ataupun Facebook. Bye.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
OpenVPN Connect Untuk Android OpenVPN Connect Untuk Android Reviewed by Unknown on 05:11:00 Rating: 5

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